Stick It Out To The End Of The School Year

    You’ve just gotten past the middle of the school year – now is the time to stick it out and keep going. The last couple school years have been difficult, and this year is no exception, but GraderAide is here to help you get to the end of the school year without a hitch.

    Grading essays upon essays is a major contributor to disrupting a teacher’s work-life balance, but now you can restore balance to your work and home life by utilizing GraderAide!  

    What Does GraderAide Do?

    GraderAide is a paper grader that automates the grading process and is the most advanced scoring system for written assignments available to teachers. Enter your students assignments and essays into GraderAide and receive immediate score reports that are graded consistently each time, measuring the progress between assignments clearly for you, your student, and their parents.

    How Does GraderAide Help You Improve Your Work-Life Balance?

    Each GraderAide score report comes with a score breakdown based on focus and purpose, content development, organization, language use, and grammar. This will efficiently help you identify where your students are struggling, inform your future lesson plans, and save you time in the long run.

    GraderAide helps your grading process, resulting in consistent grading between assignments and a better work-life balance. This allows you to spend your weekends with family and friends, doing what you want to do and enjoying the weekend. Free up your time today!

    Learn More About GraderAide!

     To learn more about how GraderAide can bring work-life balance back to the rest of your school year, visit or to start your free 2-day trial click here.

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