Maintain Work-Life Balance With GraderAide

    Work-life balance is a delicate dance for any professional, but especially for teachers who so often take work home with them. Teachers are more likely to struggle with work-life balance because of the need to bring grading home and can miss out on events and functions. Keep your work in the classroom with GraderAide!

    Read on to learn how GraderAide is changing the way that teachers balance their work.

    What Is GraderAide

    GraderAide is the most advanced scoring system for written assignments available to teachers. With our technology you can grade essays in seconds. Simply upload your students assignments and GraderAide generates a score report that includes a breakdown of focus and purpose, content development, organization, language use, and grammar. This report will help you easily identify where your students may be struggling and inform your lesson plans to strengthen and improve their writing skills.

    Achieve Work-Life Balance with GraderAide

    By taking out the labor intensive nature of grading, GraderAide gives you the freedom to more easily identify instructional opportunities and frees up your post-work hours. Instead of spending your evenings grading assignments you can spend it with family, friends, or catching up on Netflix!


    To learn more about how GraderAide can help you this school year, visit

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