How To Save Time Grading Assignments During Test Prep Season


    This year can be better. If you’re tired of spending hours of time outside the classroom grading assignments during test prep season, GraderAide can assist you.

    GraderAide helps you score students’ written assignments in the click of a button. It also keeps all of your class grade books organized so you can see at a glance how each student – and each class – are progressing toward scoring well on writing and language tests.

    Here's how GraderAide can help your students get top scores on standardized tests while you save time grading.


    Detailed Score Breakdowns

    GraderAide not only assigns a grade to each student writing assignment: It breaks each score down into specific categories. This helps students understand what they have to work on in their writing assignments. Teachers also learn what they may have to teach more of.

    By keeping all of this information organized, you save time analyzing students’ learning gaps and creating lesson plans.


    Expert-Level Scoring In A Click

    Simply upload student assignments in GraderAide and click to score. Essays that may have taken 10-20 minutes or more to grade take only a few seconds, so you can save hours of time grading.


    Assign More Writing Practice

    Students who write more improve their language and writing skills. However, the assignments need to be graded so you can intervene when students are making mistakes. GraderAide makes this simple by saving you time grading, assigning expertly-determined scores, and giving you the bandwidth to assign more writing practice.


    Are you ready for a revolution in test prep season? To learn more about GraderAide, visit


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